Sunday, 24 January 2016

Who am I?

What defines you? 

A pretty standard question, with a not-so-standard answer.

So, when I first meet someone, I would tell them my name, where I'm from, and sometimes you can tell if the person you just met is religious, if they wear anything obvious (like turbans, head scarves or a cross around their neck).

That's pretty funny, isn't it?

We introduce ourselves, by telling people all about the stuff our parents inflicted upon us moments after we were born: our names, our nationalities, and religion (if you were born into one)- this isn't stuff we chose ourselves.

But does this mean that all of this doesn't define me?


The thing is, people are going to look at the scarf on your head, the colour of your skin or the name on your tag and come up with some judgement within seconds. That's just human nature, and the influence of society.

But their opinions of your name/ nationality/ religion don't define you- what defines you is your opinion of yourself.

You could change your name and stop wearing a turban if you wanted, but then people would just come up with something new to put you down. 

You HAVE to be comfortable in your own skin, and if making changes like the above make you feel that way, then do it. But only to please yourself, not that judgy old lady that lives two doors down.

So, maybe you can define yourself by the amount of happiness within you, or the amount of self worth, or how much you value you give to people's opinions about you.

Either way, you should define yourself as something beautiful. 

Saturday, 16 January 2016

I've been living in the future since I was seven

Back in his "High School Musical days" Zac Efron wisely said that "we should all live in the moment" (or something like that...give me a break it was like ten years ago).
Lionsgate wtf zac efron shocked

Anyways, being a major Troy Bolton fan, seven year old me thought about this for days and days and noted how many times I caught myself worrying about the future:

  • What am I having for dinner tonight?
  • How many never-ending lessons until lunch?
  • Am I going to watch "H2O" tonight or "Hannah Montana" tonight (probably both, if you were wondering)
And now it's more like:
  • Am I going to pass my A levels???
  • Am I going to get into uni???
  • What's am I having for dinner tonight???
So, ten years on, turns out I'm still worrying about the future, I just have different questions ( kind of). I guess that means I've been living in the future since I was seven.

And, that's okay, thinking ahead is just part of who I am. But, sometimes I'm afraid I'm not appreciating the moment for what it is, which is a bit of a loss.

I mean if your friend has just fallen up the stairs and you didn't catch it because you were so spaced out worrying about next month's rent, well, you missed out on a great opportunity to laugh at them, and that sucks. big time. 

So, from now on, every time I find myself thinking two hours ahead of time, I'm going to give myself a virtual slap and just take a second to appreciate where I am and all of the amazing things going on around me. 

I hope Zac Efron is proud. 

zac efron wink hairspray