Sunday, 2 October 2016

...and then they lived happily ever after

"you'll be happy a lot more often if you see happiness as a mood, and not as a destination"- some guy from some movie I watched, maybe.
*Looks up, scribbles 10233648 notes*

Growing up, I was very into happy endings, I used to believe that no matter what, everything in life would somehow work out to be great, and almost everyone would end up with their "soulmate".

I mean, what is a "soulmate"??
Someone who comes sweeping you off your feet, taking you to some fancy smancy ball (obviously, you would win prizes for best couple), then you get married, adopt three cats and live happily ever after?
Or is it someone who you connect with on a spiritual level ( maybe a friend, even?) and so you do that creepy thing where you keep saying the same thing at the same time?
Do soulmates even exist? Because it sounds like some social construct.

So why, has children's' TV (Disney) brainwashed me into believing that somewhere out there is my soulmate/the mystery man of my dreams/ my knight in shining armour/ prince charming (take your pick), with whom I will be completely and eternally happy?

I know love is great and all, but it seems that I've painted this image in my head that once you do find someone really worth holding onto, nothing could ever go wrong, and you really will be living "happily ever after"

Which is stupid because, well, it defeats the whole point of human nature.

So, I've decided that I won't allow myself to let my happiness depend on this one person (who may or may not exist) anymore.
I won't allow myself to let my happiness depend on any one person at all.
Instead, I'm going to start thinking of happiness as an actual mood, and let myself appreciate the smaller things as they come (the sound of autumn leaves rustling under my boots, or the feel of hot chocolate in my hands on a cold winter's day), because I deserve to be happy right now, not getting my heart broken waiting for "happily ever after".

(That last line was so corny, I really hope you didn't cringe reading that)

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